**DISCONTINUED. NO LONGER AVALIABLE** Concrete nailer. Uses 5/8" to 2-1/4" T-Nails. Magazine capacity 66 T-nails. Weight 7.12 lbs.
Bostitch Brand
M1T9764 T-nailer 5/8" to 2-1/2" lengths x .097 diameter. Magazine Capacity: 80, Tool Weight: 9.8 lbs, Includes: Plastic Carrying Case, Safety Glasses, Allen Wrench, Tool Oil, Manual, Parts Diagram, Applications: Fastening Tack Strips to Concrete
Spotnails Brand
**OLD MODEL#: MT9764***
X1T8664 T-nailer, 5/8" TO 2-1/2" lengths x .086 diameter. Magazine Capacity: 100, Tool Weight: 4 lbs 10 oz, Includes: Plastic Carrying Case, Safety Glasses, Allen Wrench, Tool Oil, Manual, Parts Diagram, Applications: Fastening Tack Strips To Concrete
Spotnails Brand.